Allow me to explain.
About two weeks ago, the heating in our apartment went down for good, exposing our poor pasty epidermises to the cold which creeped in through cracks between doors, through window panes and pipes. As a last ditch effort, a redoubt was created. A fortress, if you will.
It's name? Castle Zombiekraft.
Or here, the fair structure in full, placed in the center of our living room:
Huddled together against the cold, we valiantly shivered ourselves to sleep night after night. Eventually the landlord deigned to hear our complaints, and construction began on a new central heating system, which was to take 8 days to complete.
In the meantime, here is a picture of my roommate Anthony working on his laptop, on a cot within Castle Zombiekraft:
In this time, most of my energy was expended in shivering, so I apologize for my lack of updates.
I ask your humble forgiveness and will attempt to placate you with this video created by roommates Anthony and Mark (along with help from our friends David and Adriel) in commemoration of my six-and-twentieth birthday, which might have been titled "My Roommate Timothy".