Saturday, February 7, 2009

Boycott Mark, Day 2

After Mark and I stopped speaking, I began to see his behavior from a different perspective. Everything I had previously regarded with a shrug and a "That's Mark," I've now had to re-evaluate.

Yes, I know I started this blog with the idea that I'd write about my roommate's kooky behavior. But really, now that I observe him with, if you will, a more objective distance, I have started to see him less as a "funny guy" and more as unhygienic, antisocial, and worse.

This latest candid shot should be able to tell more than my mere words can express.


  1. This blog would form an excellent basis for a graduate disseration in Cultural Anthropology: "Extremely Grungy Behaviors of 20s-something College-Educated American White Males: A Case Study of Three Pseudo-Marxists Living in a Tent in their Living Room." The amazing part is that I've actually seen your apartment, and it's even more disgusting in real life than it is on video! And it's a big improvement over the last place you lived. As for Mark's disgusting habits--no one who knows him could be surprised.

  2. You guys need to update!!!
    Check out my blog while you're at it.
